Creatures of Earth: Part 3: The Birds

Here is a collection of birds that blow my mind. You will notice a focus on the Shoebill. I just can’t get enough of this fucker. Most of these images are MASSIVE, so click to see the full version. If these images are your intellectual property and you would like me to remove them or […]

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Creatures of Earth: Part 2

Here are some more of the greatest images in the world. These are super hi-res, so make sure you click a picture if you want to see even more detail. I’ve scoured the net for these gems, so you’d be an asshole to not enjoy them down to the last eyelash and fleck of dust. You’re […]

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New Study Supports Link Between Media Violence and Violent Behavior

There is a consensus within the scientific community that continuous exposure to violence, in any media form (video games, television, film), creates aggressive thoughts and behaviors in children and adults. Academics also agree that not enough large-scale longitudinal studies have been done to correlate extremely violent behavior with violent media. Personally, I’m less than comfortable with […]

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Creatures of Earth: Part 1

For the past ten years I’ve spent a couple hours a day surfing the internet for amazing images and sorting these images into folders. Most of this is porn, but there are some pictures I have saved to satisfy my curiosity for natural phenomena. The animal kingdom is a specific interest of mine. There seems […]

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Scientific Proof that Auras Exist

If you spend a few minutes immersed in the New Age community, the first thing you’ll notice about empaths is that most of them are total nutters convinced their cognitive ability to practice logical deduction is a special, mystical power(s). I’m a prophetic clairsentient with touch-know abilities and the capability to see the future through coded […]

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10 Reasons Why the ‘Like A Girl’ Super Bowl Ad Is Politically Incorrect

Not surprisingly, Sunday’s Super Bowl featured a barrage of heavy-handed, emotionally manipulative ads that foisted some contrived positivity on viewers as though we wouldn’t recognize it as a lazy marketing ploy. I guess they were right to doubt our barometer for the disingenuous because so many people seemed to swallow up the phony idealism, oblivious to […]

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Video Journal 1: Love Thoughts

This is the first entry in a series of video journals I will be sharing. Basically, I just turn on a camera and voice whatever thoughts come to mind. Usually these thoughts are special because I am in a creatively fertile period of my life. I have been seeing things so clearly lately. Even though […]

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