
My name is Nate Fletcher and I am what psychologists refer to as a “normal genius”—I possess an average IQ, but I see the world in such a radical and insightful way that people just feel more comfortable calling me a genius. I credit my insightful approach to life to my habit of making video journals; something I started doing at the request of my psychiatrist nearly ten years ago. I became obsessed with recording my thoughts. So while my peers were out partying and fucking and flunking exams, I was reflecting on life’s great mysteries. Now all of these reflections are culminating in a renaissance of personal growth and an explosion of brilliant ideas. Against all odds, a thousand conditions in my life have coalesced to create the perfect environment for the abundant production of earth-shaking ideas—a phenomenon so rare, we are lucky if it happens once in a generation (the only two modern examples that come to mind are Einstein’s Miracle Year and 1999-2002 era Marshal Mathers).

One day, on a whim, I decided to start a blog to document this renaissance and to share my observations about life. I will be writing about anything that strikes my interest, as well as posting video journals which I will record as inspiration dictates. I use sensationalized and eye-catching headlines in order to generate viewership, but also to mock the atmosphere of desperation and shallowness that pervades the internet in this age of click-bait and digital fluff.

You may notice my tone is often dreary when it comes to worldly affairs. It’s important you understand that I am an optimist at heart–emotionally I believe in the forces of self-acceptance and tolerance. Intellectually, however, I know that extending love and tolerance to everyone would not only destroy the concepts but also endanger lives (e.g. you tell a serial killer to accept himself and he does, then he kills more people). Some of my ideas may be shocking, others may be outright evil, but I will not make apologies or rationalizations. I will not tell you that the dialog comes from a good place. This is something that you will have to decide for yourself.

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